Can You Measure Blood Pressure with Apple Watch Series 8? (Informative)

The Apple Watch Series 8 is renowned for its advanced health and fitness tracking capabilities, providing users with valuable insights into various aspects of their well-being.

However, one question that often arises is whether the Apple Watch Series 8 can measure blood pressure.

Blood pressure monitoring is a crucial health metric for many individuals, as it helps understand cardiovascular health and manage conditions like hypertension.

In this article, we’ll delve into the topic of blood pressure measurement with the Apple Watch Series 8 to provide a clear and accurate understanding.

Unfortunately, the Apple Watch Series 8 does not offer built-in blood pressure monitoring. While it excels in several health-tracking features, but blood pressure measurement remains outside of its capabilities.

Let’s explore this topic in a little detail!

The Absence of Blood Pressure Monitoring

Contrary to the expectations of some users, the Apple Watch Series 8 does not include a built-in blood pressure monitoring feature.

While the device offers an impressive array of health and fitness capabilities, such as heart rate tracking, ECG measurements, and sleep monitoring, blood pressure monitoring is not among them. This means that users cannot directly measure their blood pressure using the Apple Watch Series 8.

Apple Watch Series 8
Apple Watch Series 8 lacks a built-in blood pressure monitoring feature.

It is important to understand that measuring blood pressure accurately requires specific hardware, such as a blood pressure cuff, which applies direct pressure to the arteries and detects the corresponding blood flow.

This type of measurement is impossible with the optical sensors and technology integrated into the Apple Watch Series 8.

However, it is worth noting that the Apple Watch Series 8 can indirectly contribute to monitoring and managing overall cardiovascular health. The device’s heart rate tracking feature provides valuable information about heart rate trends and resting heart rate, which can indicate cardiovascular health.

Comparison with Samsung smartwatches that offer this feature

Samsung has incorporated blood pressure monitoring in certain models of their smartwatches. These watches employ sophisticated optical sensors and algorithms to estimate blood pressure readings.

This functionality offers a convenient solution for individuals who require regular monitoring of their blood pressure levels, enabling them to track this vital health metric directly from their wrist.

With this feature, Samsung smartwatch users can gain valuable insights into their cardiovascular health and make informed decisions regarding their well-being. It showcases Samsung’s commitment to providing comprehensive health monitoring capabilities.

Apple Watch Series 8
Samsung smartwatches can measure your blood pressure.

Potential Disappointment and Its Significance

It is important to acknowledge that some individuals had hoped for blood pressure monitoring on the Apple Watch Series 8. These users may have specific health concerns or preferences that make blood pressure monitoring a desired feature.

Recognizing their potential disappointment shows an understanding of their expectations and the need for clarification.

While the lack of blood pressure monitoring on the Apple Watch Series 8 may be disappointing for some users, it is essential to emphasize that it does not diminish the overall value and functionality of the device.

The Apple Watch Series 8 still offers a wide range of health and fitness features, including heart rate monitoring, ECG (electrocardiogram) capabilities, sleep tracking, and activity tracking.

These features provide valuable insights into various aspects of health and well-being, making the Apple Watch Series 8 a powerful tool for overall health management.

Health Monitoring Features of Apple Watch Series 8

Apple Watch Series 8
Apple Watch Series 8 is renowned for its advanced capabilities

The following are health monitoring features of Apple Watch Series 8:

Existing health and fitness features

The Apple Watch Series 8 incorporates advanced optical sensors and algorithms to monitor your heart rate throughout the day continuously.

This feature provides real-time updates on your heart rate, allowing you to track your cardiovascular health and monitor changes during different activities, such as workouts or periods of rest.

It can also alert you if your heart rate exceeds or falls below certain thresholds, providing valuable insights into your overall cardiac well-being.

Activity tracking

The Apple Watch Series 8 provides users with comprehensive activity-tracking capabilities, ensuring that you can stay motivated and engaged in your fitness journey.

It tracks a range of activities, including steps taken, distance traveled, and calories burned, allowing you to gain a holistic view of your daily movement.

With the ability to set personalized activity goals and receive progress updates, the Apple Watch Series 8 keeps you informed about your fitness levels and empowers you to make informed decisions regarding your daily routines.

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or simply looking to lead a more active lifestyle, the Apple Watch Series 8 activity-tracking features can help you stay on track and achieve your health and fitness goals.

Sleep tracking

With the Apple Watch Series 8 sleep tracking feature, you can gain valuable insights into your sleep patterns and quality. By monitoring your movement, heart rate, and noise levels, the watch analyzes your sleep duration and efficiency, providing you with a comprehensive view of your sleep habits.

Armed with this information, you can make informed decisions to improve your sleep hygiene and overall well-being, ensuring you wake up refreshed and revitalized daily.

ECG (electrocardiogram)

The Apple Watch Series 8 allows you to take an electrocardiogram directly from your wrist. By placing your finger on the digital crown, the watch records your heart’s electrical signals and analyzes them to detect irregularities such as atrial fibrillation.

This feature enables you to monitor your heart’s electrical activity and potentially identify any underlying cardiac conditions.

Moreover, take a look at the video below:

Apple Watch Series 8 Health Features


Can I check my BP with my Apple Watch?

No, you cannot check your blood pressure with the Apple Watch, including the Apple Watch Series 8. The Apple Watch does not have the necessary hardware, such as a blood pressure cuff, to measure blood pressure accurately.

Blood pressure measurement requires direct pressure application and specialized sensors that are not present in the Apple Watch. Therefore, it’s not designed or capable of measuring blood pressure.

Can Apple Watch Series 8 measure heart rate?

Yes, the Apple Watch Series 8 can measure heart rate. It utilizes optical sensors on the back of the watch to detect and monitor the user’s heart rate. These sensors emit and detect light to capture blood flow variations, enabling the watch to calculate heart rate.

The Apple Watch Series 8’s heart rate monitoring feature is considered to be accurate and provides users with real-time heart rate data during various activities and workouts.

How accurate is Apple Watch ECG Series 8?

The Apple Watch Series 8’s ECG feature is designed to detect abnormal heart rhythms, specifically atrial fibrillation (AFib). It records the electrical activity of your heart through the sensors on the back of the watch and generates a waveform that can be analyzed.

While the ECG feature is generally accurate in detecting AFib, it’s important to note that it is not intended to replace professional medical devices or a full medical evaluation.


  • The Apple Watch Series 8 does not have the capability to measure blood pressure, setting it apart from some Samsung smartwatches that offer this feature.
  • While blood pressure monitoring is not available on the Apple Watch Series 8, it excels in other health and fitness tracking features such as heart rate monitoring, activity tracking, and sleep analysis.
  • It’s important to understand the limitations of the Apple Watch Series 8 and explore alternative options for blood pressure monitoring if it’s a crucial health metric for you.
  • Some Samsung smartwatches have introduced blood pressure monitoring as a built-in feature, providing convenience for users who require regular blood pressure tracking.
  • When considering a smartwatch for blood pressure monitoring, it’s essential to evaluate the overall health and fitness features, compatibility with your device ecosystem, and personal preferences.
  • Ultimately, the decision to choose a smartwatch for blood pressure monitoring should be based on individual needs, preferences, and compatibility with other health-tracking devices or applications.